

Camelot's Castle

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 Camelot is a very large castle with a torture room, throne room, a kitchen, a training room, a doctor room, a  farm and an arena. The castle is in Spain and is made out of red stone, has a moat and a multicoloured forest surrounding it. It is owned by King Arthur The III and has a population of 10,000. All the peasants’ cottages are in the castle’s walls. On the front gate there are sculls and bones.

The farm has animals such as chickens, cows, ducks, pigs and wolves for defending. The torture room has all the robbers, knights that were captured and anyone who did something the king didn’t like. It has a hanging tree where there are 25 bodies hanging from the braches. The kitchen is a super kitchen. It has many pots and pans. The chef’s food is palatable.

The throne room is very long and at the end has three chairs for the King, Queen and the Prince. The whole room is made out of gold and the chair is made out of diamonds. There are many paintings of the king and his royal army. The training room/arena is full of equipment for the archers and knights to practice. It is protected with stonewalls and catapults on each side.